Fluxible Conference shouldn’t be missed

A crowd of people leaving an auditorium

As I wrote yesterday, Zeitspace is sponsoring Fluxible, Canada’s UX Festival. UX is an important part of our work and our point of view at Zeitspace, and Fluxible is such a wonderful mix of UX events and activities that it’s a natural fit for us. The Fluxible Workshops that I mentioned yesterday are only a small part of this amazing festival, though.

The main attraction this year, as it is every year, is the event that started it all back in 2012. Fluxible Conference remains the highlight of the week, wrapping things up with two days of presentations, food, music, and more. The program this year features a diverse range of topics and speakers and promises a few surprises as well. I’m excited by all of it— as I’m Fluxible co-chair, that shouldn’t be a surprise. But I’m particularly looking forward to hearing from Stephen Fitzgerald on designing a bicycling experience, Ben Grossman on the UX of musical technology, and Farai Madzima on bias in multicultural teams.

But really, all the talks will be fantastic. Plus there will be plenty of opportunites to talk with fellow attendees and speakers, and dig into the topics raised over the weekend.

Oh, and the amazing food! And the awesome beer from TWB! And the superior coffee from Matter of Taste!

Fluxible Conference really is a grand experience an shouldn’t be missed by anyone with an interest in UX.

This post originally appeared on the Zeitspace blog.